This month, we’re sharing one from the archives! One of our dieters was featured in a piece we had in the Daily Voice, and we thought it was worth a share. Many of our dieters are surprised when they see the results of their first (non-invasive & painless) biocommunication body scan. Read on, you never know – you just might find some inspiration!

Harrison’s Can’t Lose Diet Takes Years Off Metabolic Age
By Tom Renner
HARRISON, N.Y. — The right diet can make you younger. Not in the chronological sense, but as Sherry Bruck found out at Can’t Lose Diet in Harrison, definitely in a metabolic sense.
Can’t Lose Diet owner Pat Hall’s initial scan of Bruck when she visited for a diet consultation pegged her metabolic age as 62. The real eye-opener for Bruck came when her husband of 32 years, Fred, took the same test — and was found to be 18 years younger.
“I wasn’t exactly surprised though because I knew I was 30 pounds over my recommended weight,’’ Bruck said. “But I’ve always considered myself an active, sporty person who skis, golfs, bikes, and hikes, so this was a big blow to my self image. How could I, this incredibly active person have 38.5 percent body fat with 67 pounds of fat on my 5’5” frame?”
Metabolic age according to Wikipedia, is “a reflection of physical health in the form of a calculation based on the base metabolic rate (BMR). If someone’s metabolic age is lower than his or her actual age, it suggests that the body is in good health, while a metabolic age higher than the actual age indicates that someone may be experiencing health problems.”
Bruck’s husband had 21.9 percent body fat on his 6-foot, 2-inch frame. “Pat was incredulous, she had never seen such a healthy scan,’’ Bruck said.
Fred plays hockey and eats healthy. “Not necessarily because he has to, but because he actually wants to,’’ Sherry said. “I was bummed. He’s the one with the grey hair, but I had the older body. I knew I needed to burn the fat off this chubby body permanently.”
Hall created a strict, all-all-organic diet with vitamin supplements that developed a high octane fat-burning mode. In 40 days, she dropped 12 years off of her metabolic age — and 20 pounds.
“I can’t imagine how I’ll feel when I reach my my goal of 30 pounds., but I’m excited to actually look like the athletic person I envision in my minds eye. And of course be younger than Fred!”
The “Can’t Lose Diet’s” targeted approach guarantees 20-40 or more pounds of weight loss in only 40 days by targeting stored fat. Maintenance techniques at the end of the program ensure weight lost in the 40 day period stays off forever.
For more information about Can’t Lose Diet contact Hall at 844-226-8567 or visit its website or Facebook page.
See the original article here.