We’re thrilled to be included in Westchester Magazine’s special fall content section, “Health & Wellness: Boost Your Well-Being With Expert Tips”.
The magazine asked us to offer some tips for overall wellness. Read on to discover our healthy living tips, and take a look at our section on WestchesterMagazine.com.
Healthy Eating for Autumn
How can I stay healthy this fall?
As the fall season kicks into high gear, you tend to move less, eat more, and pack on the pounds! Here are three tips from the nutritionists at the Can’t Lose Diet for enjoying a healthy eating lifestyle over the coming months:
Chicken Bone Broth – There is nothing more comforting than a hot cup of broth on a cold October day. Loaded with pure nutrition, you can drink it straight or make it the base for an asparagus soup. A number of Westchester-based merchants make it fresh on a daily basis – so pick it up on your way home!
An Apple a Day – Do not underestimate the nutritional value and delicious ways to enjoy an apple. Make our Baked Cinnamon Apple dessert that is enticing enough to consume every day. Eat an apple one hour before you dine out, which will help you avoid stuffing yourself with pre-dinner bread rolls. Diced Honeycrisp apple pieces add a burst of flavor to your tuna salad lunch.
Vegetable Smoothies – Many people just do not eat enough veggies on a daily basis. Make it easier to meet your nutritional needs by creating a simple, tasty veggie-oriented smoothie! Cucumber and apple, or spinach and strawberries, make for a delicious, fruity drink!
Contact us for more details on the above suggestions.